Featured Discount Cruise: Mediterranean

Spectacular beaches, pleasant climate, historical attractions, tasty cuisine and diverse culture.

Choosing the Right Cruise Line

With so many cruise lines to choose from, picking the right one is everything but easy. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you which ship to choose but we can help you make the right decision by pointing out to some of the key factors to consider before making any reservations.

Destination / Itinerary.

Many people who decide to go on a cruise do so because it enables them to visit multiple destinations comfortably and conveniently. Which destinations that will be, however, depends greatly on the ship’s itinerary. For example, there are hundreds of cruise lines operating in the Mediterranean but they have very different routes. While it’s possible to find a cruise that will allow you to explore all the greatest gems of the region, most of them focus on smaller areas, for example East Mediterranean, the Adriatic, etc.

A romantic getaway for two?

Senior-friendly programme and activities? Family-friendly ships? Travelling solo? Planning an exciting trip with your friends? Cruise liners are happy to welcome all age groups but it’s also true that they tend to focus on particular age or/and population groups. Facilities, amenities, programmes, activities and entertainment are thus ‘designed’ to meet the needs and preferences of a particular age or population group.

On-board facilities, programmes and activities.

Now that you’ve decided which age/population group you fit in the most, you should take a closer look of which on-board facilities, programmes and activities are available. While all meet the target age/population groups, some cruise lines focus more on recreation, others on relaxation, some put more emphasis on entertainment and animation, others on the actual facilities, … You get the picture?

Size, class and age of the ship.

The overall experience also depends greatly on the size, class and age of the ship which, however, is more or less a matter of personal preferences. Some people don’t mind sharing the ship with thousands of other passengers, while others prefer a more intimate and tranquil atmosphere. Some want all the luxury, while others are perfectly satisfied with less exquisite decoration and features as long as the ship is comfortable and clean. And while most people prefer cruising on a brand new ship, some find older ones more charming and enjoyable.

Price. Let’s be honest.

There aren’t many people who simply choose a cruise line that meets their expectations and needs the most. The majority also have to consider the price which, however, also plays an important role in what you’ll get. While it’s possible to find great deals at great discounts, you can’t really expect to get the most luxurious ship/cabin for an extremely low price. But it also depends greatly on what destination and in which time of the year you want to go cruising.